Coming to America
Coming to America, Drama, Romance, Directed by John Landis, was released June 29, 1988. Its stars include, Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, and James Earl Jones. In this movie Prince Akeem, who is portrayed by Eddie Murphy, comes to America in search of true love, and a future princess. He hails from the country of Zamunda, and the overprotective rule of his father the King. The king has arranged for Prince Akeem to get married, but Akeem does not want to be married off to a woman of his parents choosing, but to find his true love. This movies opening scene starts off with a glimpse into the everyday life of Prince Akeem. But this particular day happens to be his 21st birthday. Hes awakened by an orchestra, playing soft tunes, royal bathers, and other servants waiting on him, hand and foot. The opening of the movie introduces you to the characters, and the personalities that will inhabit the story and have you connect. It also opens with conflict. (K.M. Weiland, 339)...